Chiara Rawlins
The Fair Entitlements Guarantee Act 2012 (Cth) requires the Commonwealth Government to pay outstanding superannuation, annual leave, redundancy and wages entitlements for eligible employees who have lost their jobs due to the liquidation or bankruptcy of their employers. It is generally recognised as an important safety net for employees, so that their superannuation is guaranteed.
Once entitlements are paid under the Fair Entitlements Guarantee (FEG), the Commonwealth has the subrogated right to claim as a priority creditor in the liquidation by, in effect, standing in the shoes of the employees.
The FEG scheme has been available to eligible employees whose employer has gone into liquidation or bankruptcy since December 2012. However, on 1 July 2015, the Commonwealth announced the commencement of a new aspect of that scheme: the Fair Entitlements Guarantee Recovery Programme. This new scheme is aimed at strengthening recovery activity of amounts advanced under the FEG scheme.
Under the FEG Recovery Programme, the liquidators of companies in respect of which FEG advances have been provided may apply for litigation funding for:
Under the FEG Recovery Programme, funding may be provided to liquidators to fund recovery efforts, including legal proceedings, which the liquidators are not otherwise funded to pursue. Up to $11.5 million will be provided by the Commonwealth under the FEG Recovery Programme over the next two year period. The FEG Recovery Programme is administered by the Department of Employment (Department).
Liquidators of insolvent companies may apply for funding where:
Actions that may be considered for funding include:
If an application is accepted, the liquidator will be required to enter into a funding agreement with the Department, that stipulates what the Department will pay for and how recovered monies will be applied.
In determining whether FEG Recovery Programme funding will be provided, the Department will have regard to:
It is not unusual for claims against the Commissioner of Taxation for payments believed to be unfair preference payments. The FEG Recovery Program raises the interesting prospect of recovery action against the Commissioner of Taxation being funded by the Commonwealth Government. McCabes waits with interest to see if FEG Recovery Programme funding will be used in such a way.
McCabes regularly acts for insolvency practitioners in advising them regarding potential recoveries and pursuing such claims in Court. We would welcome the opportunity to assist any insolvency practitioner in applying for funding under the FEG Recovery Programme.
This article was written by Andrew Lacey, Principal, Carl Hagon, Senior Associate and Kaj Scholte, Lawyer.
This article is not legal advice. It is intended to provide commentary and general information only. Access to this article does not entitle you to rely on it as legal advice. You should obtain formal legal advice specific to your own situation. Please contact us if you require advice on matters covered by this article.