Expert commercial and regulatory advice.
Intellectual Property (IP) now represents the most valuable asset class on the planet. IP rewards Big Ideas generously. However, managing and protecting creativity and innovation is becoming increasingly complex. Nascent generative AI, cyber-crime and brand over-saturation mandate a holistic yet strategic approach to intangibles.
With extensive global experience in contentious and commercial IP matters across a broad spectrum of industries, McCabes’ IP practice amalgamates the skills and sophistication required to maximise the benefit of our clients’ brands, ideas and inventions.
We are IP experts. But we are also more. Unlike other law firms, McCabes’ integrative approach transcends the mere mechanics of IP law – we immerse ourselves in our clients’ business and collaborate with them to absorb the broader commercial imperative and deliver exceptional results.
Our fundamental focus and strength lie in IP strategy and counselling, worldwide brand management, copyright and designs, intangibles transactions and IP enforcement.
We provide bespoke advice and excellent solutions. Whether you have a general question, feedback or seek legal counsel, please do not hesitate to reach out.