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Health & Government

The High Court determines a paramedic’s standard of care

Proceedings were commenced in the Queensland Supreme Court (QSC) against the State of Queensland in which it was alleged that there was a failure by an Intensive Care Paramedic (ICP) to promptly administer adrenalin to the plaintiff who was a chronic...

Published by McCabes News
17 August, 2020
Health & Government

No soup for you – Hawkins v South Western Sydney LHD

The plaintiff brought medical negligence proceedings against Campbelltown Hospital alleging that following gastrointestinal surgery, he was served a meal which was incompatible with his diet, causing him to vomit. The plaintiff alleged that the hospi...

Published by McCabes News
29 June, 2020
Health & Government

Riding into danger: Motocross, track licencing and dangerous recreational activity defences. What is the proper test?

Following a serious accident during a motocross competition event in 2004, a claim was brought against the State of New South Wales (the Office of Sport) as the entity with the statutory obligation to administer the compulsory scheme for licensing al...

Published by Leighton Hawkes
11 March, 2020

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