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As a result of a number of catastrophic failures of newly constructed residential developments in short succession, the NSW government has now implemented strict measures to regulate and control the building and construction industry. Relevantly, som...
On 1 November 2019, Fitbit Inc (Fitbit) announced it had entered into an agreement for it to be acquired by Google LLC (Google) for US$2.1 billion. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (
A bill was introduced to the Parliament of Western Australia on 24 June 2020 that seeks to amend the WA Act, entitled the Workers’ Compensation and Injury Management Amendment (COVID-19 Response) Bill 2020. COVID-19 Respo...
The Full Court of the Federal Court found that the "ordinary and customary turnover of labour" exemption to redundancy pay in the National Employment Standards did not apply to a large service company which dismissed its employees when their...
From today, 1 July 2020, a number of employment related financial thresholds increase for the 2020/21 financial year. Please see below for a summary of the new rates or
The plaintiff brought medical negligence proceedings against Campbelltown Hospital alleging that following gastrointestinal surgery, he was served a meal which was incompatible with his diet, causing him to vomit. The plaintiff alleged that the hospi...
A recent decision of the Federal Court found that the term “Property Insured” in an Industrial Special Risks Policy may extend to all property that is located in the relevant situation rather than being limited to property used in or in c...
Employers take note: amendments to be incorporated into the Miscellaneous Award 2010 (Miscellaneous Award) on 1 July 2020 will extend the coverage of the award to more employees. Who does the Miscellaneou...
On 18 June 2020, the NSW Court of Appeal considered four claims where similar legal questions arose in relation to when a claimant, who has lost the use of a non-income producing vehicle, is entitled to recover the cost of hiring a replacement, and t...