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When and how can employees be stood down during the COVID-19 pandemic?

The Fair Work Commission has recently dealt with three disputes concerning employees who were stood down during the COVID-19 pandemic, either through the pre-existing provisions in the Fair Work Act or a Jobkeeper enabling stand down direction. Given...

Published by McCabes News
27 August, 2020

Leave and security for costs for an incarcerated appellant – Mr D v Ms P [2020] NSWCA 174

This Court of Appeal judgment dealt with two notices of motion in relation to an appeal sought to be brought by Mr D, who is presently incarcerated as a result of assaults on Ms P that formed the subject matter of the proceedings before the primary j...

Health & Government

The High Court determines a paramedic’s standard of care

Proceedings were commenced in the Queensland Supreme Court (QSC) against the State of Queensland in which it was alleged that there was a failure by an Intensive Care Paramedic (ICP) to promptly administer adrenalin to the plaintiff who was a chronic...

Published by McCabes News
17 August, 2020

A ‘day’ is a “notional day” not a “working day”: High Court overturns Mondelez decision – employers breathe a sigh of relief

Yesterday the High Court of Australia handed down its much-anticipated leave decision of Mondelez,1 overturning the earlier decision of the Full Court of the Federal Court. The majority held in favour of Mondelez and Federal IR Minister Ch...

Published by McCabes News
14 August, 2020

“Nobody wins when the family feuds” – Taking action for oppression in the context of a family run business

Family owned and operated businesses are some of the most iconic and important businesses in the Australian economy. Some of these businesses operate in an informal manner with decisions often made by the family patriarch/matriarch, despite other fam...

Published by Foez Dewan
10 August, 2020
Litigation and Dispute Resolution

Not a game: breaches of the Australian Consumer Law for digital goods

We have previously written about video game developer and distributor Valve and its battle with the ACCC. In our previous article here

Published by Chiara Rawlins
10 August, 2020

ASIC calls employers to provide for ‘casual’ employee entitlements in reporting

In a move that has garnered concern from the employer groups and legal commentators alike, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has recently released guidance that companies should now calculate how much may be...

Published by McCabes News
10 August, 2020

Insurance across Australia: A year in review

It’s been a busy financial year for insurance issues in the Courts across Australia1. With insurers having now survived the end of financial year renewals, we provide a summary of what has been happening around Australia, together with our comm...

Published by McCabes News
2 August, 2020

Are you a First Home Buyer? This is for you!

As part of the NSW Government's COVID-19 Response Plan, first home buyers will now be exempt from paying transfer duty on newly built homes below $800,000 and will be eligible for a discount on the transfer duty for newly built homes valued up to $1 ...

Published by McCabes News
28 July, 2020

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