With the rampant spread of COVID-19 worldwide, there are increasing concerns as to the financial impact of the outbreak. With forced business closures a potential reality, it seems inevitable that the Australian economy is on its way to a recession. ...
When it comes to writing an email, a formal letter to a colleague, or even a text message to a friend, the ramifications are generally insignificant. However, in the context of legal drafting, mistakes, however small, can have significant financial c...
Restraint clauses are not ‘one size fits all’. Typically, courts look less favourably on restraints imposed on an employee than restraints imposed on a vendor to protect the goodwill of a business in a sale. So to be enforceable, restrain...
Start-ups are on the rise, as is the number of young entrepreneurs taking on the role of company director. A company director, whether sitting on the board of an ASX-listed company or a small organisation, has to be clear on the duties and obligation...
Excerpt: Part 5.3A of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (the Act), titled ‘Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of company arrangement’, codifies an extensive regime of rules and protocols which govern...
Despite being 15,195 kilometres apart, Britain’s decision to leave Europe has been described by some as a ‘king hit’ to Australia. Whilst Australia is unlikely to suffer any permanent scars from this blow, Australia will be forced t...
A recent NSW Court of Appeal decision brings new meaning to the term ‘buyer beware’ and is a warning to carefully monitor statements that a target makes to its employees during a merger. Following a claim by two employees, the Royal Bank ...
A former CEO of ABN AMRO Australia Holdings Limited (AAAH) has been awarded over $3 million after the NSW Supreme Court in James v Royal Bank of Scotland [2015] NSWSC 243 found an employment contract clause which bound the C...