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Intellectual Property

Being Assertive Comes at a Price – IP Australia Fee Hike

IP Australia have finalised their 15-month fee review process and announced changes to their official fees for designs, patents, plant breeders' rights and trade marks.

Published by Gus Skavronskas
1 October, 2024
Intellectual Property

You’ve Got The Power! (To Rebaptise an Infringer)

Last week, in an undefended trade mark infringement proceeding, the Federal Court of Australia made novel Orders.

Published by Gus Skavronskas
11 June, 2024
Intellectual Property

Indispensable Human Touch: Mimicry of Human Intelligence by AI Not Creativity

The original purpose of intellectual property laws is to protect the rights of authors and inventors by the grant of limited term statutory monopolies. Two main rationales underpin these monopolies: (a) the need to reward creators for the time and ef...

Published by Gus Skavronskas
10 October, 2023

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