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To the letter: the Court’s approach when interpreting trust deeds

A recent decision in the Federal Court of Australia shows the importance of properly considering the particular wording used in a trust deed when exercising a power under it, and the adverse consequences that may flow if the rules of a trust are not ...

Published by Terry McCabe
18 November, 2020

Who pays for personal items stolen from a hotel? Can you be compensated?

As Australians begin to start considering their options to travel again, it is important to keep in mind what travel insurance you may require. Generally, when Australians think about domestic travel, travel insurance is not the first thing on their ...

Published by Chiara Rawlins
22 June, 2020

Federal Government announces amendments to the Private Ancillary Fund guidelines

In a bid to incentivise philanthropy during these tough times, the Federal Government is providing credits for Private Ancillary Funds that exceed their minimum yearly distributions (see the announcement here). Private Ancillary Funds (PAFs) are requ...

Published by Terry McCabe
13 May, 2020

Exposure draft legislation on the COVIDSafe app published

On 25 April 2020, the Minister for Health issued a determination under the Biosecurity Act to allow for the launch of the Federal Government’s COVIDSafe app (the Determination), to enable State and Territory health authorities to conduct “...

Published by Foez Dewan
10 May, 2020

COVID-19: Financial Advisers and Accountants can now witness NSW statutory declarations

As reported in our earlier article, the NSW Government recently made new regulations in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to make it easier for documents to be witnessed and attested. As discussed in that article, the witnessing and attestation of do...

Published by Terry McCabe
28 April, 2020

To e-sign or not to e-sign? An update on e-signature requirements on documents in the wake of COVID-19

Electronic signatures (or e-signatures) are increasingly being adopted in commercial practice due to the ease and efficiency for individuals and businesses to engage in transactions. However, the law is not always clear on whether e-signatures can be...

Published by Chiara Rawlins
27 April, 2020

Electronic witnessing of legal documents amid COVID-19

This week the Electronic Transactions Amendment (COVID-19 Witnessing of Documents) Regulation 2020 (NSW) (the Regulation) became law under the Electronic Transactions Act 2000 (NSW) (the ETA). The Regulation allows for, among other measures, the elec...

Published by Foez Dewan
23 April, 2020

The NSW Government SME relief measures

In a bid to assist SMEs during the coronavirus pandemic the NSW Government has introduced new measures to support SMEs. Relief for SMEs impacted by COVID-19 is being offered by both the Federal and State Governments. In this article, we review the me...

Published by Mathew Kaley
7 April, 2020

Banks extend small business relief measures to commercial landlords

The Australian Banking Association (ABA) has announced that its member banks have agreed to extend their small business relief measures to businesses with total business loan facilities of up to $10M (increased from the previous $3M threshold), inclu...

Published by Mathew Kaley
2 April, 2020

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