Justice Kaye of the Victorian Supreme Court recently considered an action for false imprisonment and assault brought by Bryan Biddle (Biddle) against the State of Victoria and three Victorian police officers. Background At about 10:3...
The full court of the Supreme Court of South Australia recently considered an action for defamation brought by Derick Sands (Sands) against the State of South Australia. Background Facts In 2004 South Australian Poli...
From Wednesday this week, 1 July 2015, the national minimum wage will increase to $656.90 per week and the high income threshold for making an unfair dismissal claim will increase to $136,700
The 1.86 million Australians being paid the National Minimum Wage (NMW) will see an increase of $16 per week or 2.5% in wages due to the Fair Work Commission (FWC) releasing their annual wage review decision on 2 Jun...
The decision of the High Court in the recent ICAC v Cunneen appeal has raised all sorts of intriguing legislative, political, policy and Constitutional issues including: What is corruption? What is t...
When negotiating enterprise agreements parties are only permitted to negotiate certain matters. A non-permitted matter is any matter which falls outside those matters pertaining to the relationship between an employer and employee as set out in s 172...
The Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) (SDA) prohibits discrimination on the basis of, amongst other things, sexual orientation. In the case of Bunning v Centacare [2015] FCCA 280 the court was asked to determine whe...
The Fair Work Commission (FWC) recently handed down its decision in Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union v BHP Coal Pty Ltd [2015] FWC 920. The case relates to a claim by two BHP Co...
The Full Court of the Federal Court of Australia have confirmed that a judgment on assessed costs is a final orders for the purposes of the Bankruptcy Act 1966 (Cth) (Act), and therefore that a costs order can ground a bankr...