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Paying different dividends on shares in the same class

It is commonly thought that dividends paid by Australian companies must be paid equally across all shares within the same class.

Published by Robert Speed
19 September, 2023

New AHRC guidelines for positive duty to eliminate sexual harassment

The Australian Human Rights Commission (Commission) has released Guidelines for Complying with the newly enacted Positive Duty under the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) (Act) (Guidelines).

Published by Tim McDonald
11 September, 2023
Private Clients

Delay in the payment of a member’s superannuation withdrawal request could have serious tax consequences

The member of a SMSF made a withdrawal request before his death but the benefit was not paid until 28 weeks after his death.


McCabes shines at the annual Diamond Event, raising funds for the Sydney Children’s Hospital Foundation

It was a night of cocktails and community on Thursday, 31st August 2023, at the annual Diamond Event held at the Ivy Ballroom in Sydney, raising vital funds for the Sydney Children's Hospital Foundation.

Published by McCabes News
11 September, 2023
Litigation and Dispute Resolution

Canadian Court elevates thumbs-up emoji to signature status

In June 2023, a Canadian Court in South-West Terminal Ltd v Achter Land and Cattle Ltd, 2023 SKKB 116, held that the "thumbs-up" emoji carried enough weight to constitute acceptance of contractual terms, analogous to that of a "signature", to establi...

Published by Foez Dewan
29 August, 2023

Venues NSW ats Kerri Kane: Venues NSW successful in overturning a District Court decision

The McCabes Government team are pleased to have assisted Venues NSW in successfully overturning a District Court decision holding it liable in negligence for injuries sustained by a patron who slipped and fell down a set of steps at a sports stadium;...

Published by Leighton Hawkes
18 August, 2023
Litigation and Dispute Resolution

Expert evidence – The letter of instruction and involvement of lawyers

The recent decision in New Aim Pty Ltd v Leung [2023] FCAFC 67 (New Aim) has provided some useful guidance in relation to briefing experts in litigation.

Litigation and Dispute Resolution

Is change on the horizon for corporate insolvency in Australia?

On 12 July 2023, the Australian Commonwealth's Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services (Committee) released its landmark report on the state of corporate insolvency in Australia (Report)....

Published by Foez Dewan
31 July, 2023

High Court says set off not available as a defence to unfair preference claim

The recent decision in Metal Manufactures Pty Limited v Morton [2023] HCA 1 has confirmed that set-off cannot be used as a defence to a liquidator’s unfair preference claim under s. 553C of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (the "Corp...


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