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Compulsory Third Party Insurance

Federal Jurisdiction – Is SIRA “the State”?

The Personal Injury Commission has no power to exercise federal jurisdiction within the meaning of ss 75 and 76 of the Commonwealth Constitution. But when does federal jurisdiction arise? Does a minor injury dispute between a resident of Queensland a...

Published by Peter Hunt
7 November, 2021
Litigation and Dispute Resolution

Be careful what you caveat

A caveat is a statutory injunction that prevents the registration of dealings and plans on a title to land, provided for under the Real Property Act 1900 (NSW) (RPA). A caveat operates essentially like a "red flag", signalling to potential purchasers...

Published by Andrew Lacey
27 October, 2021
Litigation and Dispute Resolution

Is it really ‘on the cards’? Determining the validity of a subpoena in civil proceedings

The case of Secretary of the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment v Blacktown City Council [2021] NSWCA 145 concerned an appeal to the NSW Court of Appeal from a decision of single judge refusing to set aside a subpoena for produ...

Published by Andrew Lacey
18 October, 2021
Compulsory Third Party Insurance

The Proper Officer must be careful not to exercise judgment at the expense of applying statutory criteria

Author: Laurette Rizk Judgment date: 6 October 2021 Citation: Oeding-Erdel v Allianz Australia Limited [2021] NSWSC 1264 Jurisdiction: Supreme Court of New South Wales, McCallum JA Can the Proper Officer of SIRA lawfully determine applications for re...

Published by McCabes News
17 October, 2021
Litigation and Dispute Resolution

Shape up or ship out: TasPorts provides undertaking to ACCC under new misuse of market power laws

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has accepted a court enforceable undertaking from a corporation in breach of section 46 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) (CCA). This is the first application of the misu...

Published by Foez Dewan
30 September, 2021

The reasonable response to do nothing: NSWCA posts a win to home owners

The NSW Court of Appeal delivers a win for home owners and their insurers, confirming residential occupiers are not expected to take precautions for every possible hazard at their home. Judgment date: 14 September 2021 Citation: Prouten v Chapman [20...

Published by McCabes News
19 September, 2021

Can an employer make COVID-19 vaccinations mandatory in the workplace?

With the increased risk from the highly infectious Delta COVID-19 variant within the community and workplaces, a hot topic for employers is whether they can direct their employees to have the COVID-19 vaccine. And if they refuse, can they terminate o...

Published by Tim McDonald
9 September, 2021

Getting ahead on sporting risks at school; “When games are properly controlled and supervised, allowing children to participate in them is not, in the absence of special circumstances, negligent”

Introduction The authors successfully acted for the NSW Department of Education in a crucial case where the NSWSC considered whether a school breached the duty of care owed to a student suffering a serious head injury whilst playing a 'hybri...

Published by Leighton Hawkes
7 September, 2021
Litigation and Dispute Resolution

Media release: We are McCabes

National firm McCabes revealed during an all-staff address by Managing Principal Andrew Lacey, effective Monday 6 September 2021, the firm would be rebranding to McCabes and officially announcing a dedicated Government Division to si...

Published by McCabes News
6 September, 2021

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