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The Victorian Court of Appeal has recently held that restraint of trade clauses in employment contracts are unenforceable against a former employee if they have been repudiated by the employer and the employee has accepted the repudiation and termina...
In a recent article we asked the question: who owns my social media content? In this article we take that enquiry one step further, and tackle the issue of ownersh...
The new financial year is a good time to review your workplace practices and reappraise documentation like your template employment contracts and policies. Being July, an updated Fair Work Information Statement has also been published. But what is ...
To paraphrase Miguel de Cervantes - the start-up that is prepared has its battle half fought. It may seem like a hassle (and, depending on who you are working with, it may not feel like you need to), but giving early consideration to the structure, ...
From 1 July 2017, the high income threshold will be $142,000 and the compensation cap for unfair dismissal claims will be $71,000. As we have previously reported, the National Minimum Wage will increase to $694.90 per week from 1 July 2017 (click
The NSW Government recently revealed a new housing affordability package in an effort to assist first home buyers entering the market. Central to the new policy are a number of changes to the first home buyer stamp duty concession and grant schemes. ...
Whether you are a liquidator, director, employee, shareholder or creditor of a company in financial distress, the experience of a corporate insolvency is usually not pleasant. Directors face the threat of being investigated for breaches of direct...
When a person believes they have been a victim of misleading and deceptive conduct such as misleading representations, the sensation of being deceived can give rise to the assumption that they have suffered compensable loss. However, the case of
Offers of compromise are an important tool in litigation. Aside from ensuring some form of success, or avoiding total defeat, one of the primary purposes of a party making an offer of compromise is to avoid incurring further legal costs. Where settle...