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Litigation and Dispute Resolution

Part IX and part X agreements: non-bankruptcy alternatives for individuals

The Bankruptcy Act 1966 (Cth) (the Act) provides a regime by which a debtor can compromise with his/her creditors outside formal bankruptcy. The provisions are found in Part X (Personal Insolvency Agreements) and Part IX (De...

Published by Andrew Lacey
30 June, 2015

Police media statements and press conferences: defamation, breach of statutory duty and the case of Sands v State of South Australia [2015] SASCFC 36

The full court of the Supreme Court of South Australia recently considered an action for defamation brought by Derick Sands (Sands) against the State of South Australia.   Background Facts In 2004 South Australian Poli...

Published by Stuart Windybank
30 June, 2015
Litigation and Dispute Resolution

Wills and Estates: suspicious circumstances in drafting wills

It is not uncommon for a Will to be put forward as being a person's last record of their testamentary intentions only for it to be challenged by an aggrieved beneficiary (or someone who, in their opinion, should have been a beneficiary). These dispu...

Published by Andrew Lacey
29 June, 2015

Minimum wage and high income threshold increase

From Wednesday this week, 1 July 2015, the national minimum wage will increase to $656.90 per week and the high income threshold for making an unfair dismissal claim will increase to $136,700

Published by McCabes News
29 June, 2015
Litigation and Dispute Resolution

The Polish Club case: A win for the Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority

On 17 June 2015, the High Court of Australia gave judgment unanimously overturning a decision of the New South Wales Court of Appeal. The High Court held that a lease granted in contravention of s 92(1)(d) of the Liquor Act 2007 (NSW) was

Published by Andrew Lacey
22 June, 2015

Set it straight before you negotiate

The decision of Stellard Pty Ltd & Anor v North Queensland Fuel Pty Ltd [2015] QSC 119 has decided that email correspondence between the parties were sufficient to form a binding contract for sale, notwithstanding that the terms were "su...

Published by McCabes News
18 June, 2015

National Minimum Wage Increase of 2.5%

The 1.86 million Australians being paid the National Minimum Wage (NMW) will see an increase of $16 per week or 2.5% in wages due to the Fair Work Commission (FWC) releasing their annual wage review decision on 2 Jun...

Published by McCabes News
15 June, 2015

A ‘fair go’ for small business?

In recent months, the Commonwealth Government followed up its election promise to give small business a ‘fair go’ by releasing exposure draft legislation which confirms that consumer protections relating to unfair contract terms will be e...

Published by McCabes News
11 June, 2015

Agreements to negotiate genuinely in good faith…are they binding?

McCabes acted for the defendants in Caves Beachside Cuisine Pty Ltd v Boydah Pty Ltd & 3 Others, an interesting matter which was recently heard before his Honour Justice Kunc in the Supreme Court of New South Wales (Commercial List). The...

Published by Andrew Lacey
9 June, 2015

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