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Are your employees entitled to a pay rise from 1 February 2021?

On 1 February 2021, the final phase of the Fair Work Commission's 2019-20 Annual Wage Review will come into effect, increasing minimum pay rates in a number of modern awards, including awards covering those industries impacted by the COVID-19 pandemi...

Published by McCabes News
29 January, 2021
Litigation and Dispute Resolution

Kogan ordered to pay $350,000 for misleading and deceptive “Tax Time” promotion

In our previous article, we considered the Federal Court decision of Australian Competition and Consumer Commission...

Published by Chiara Rawlins
27 January, 2021

A vaccine mandate and the challenges of change…

Can an employer decide to make an influenza (or COVID-19) vaccination an inherent requirement of the role and if so, is this a lawful and reasonable direction?   Protecting the health and safety of clients, colleagues and the community involve...

Published by McCabes News
22 January, 2021
Corporate Advisory

UPDATE: Changes to the COVID-19 insolvency and bankruptcy protections

In March 2020, the Australian Government introduced a suite of changes to the federal insolvency and bankruptcy laws in response to the economic impact of COVID-19. These measures were initially implemented for a six-month period and included increas...

Published by Foez Dewan
12 January, 2021

Uninsured working director is not an extended definition worker under section 175

In Greenaway v Prestige Helicopters Pty Ltd [2020] WADC 159 the appellant sought to argue, amongst other things, that an uninsured working director can still nonetheless claim compensation from a “principal” pursuant to section 175(1) of ...

Published by David Burton
17 December, 2020

Skiing in a winter wonderland: A dangerous recreational activity?

The NSW Supreme Court has ruled in favour of Perisher Blue, characterising skiing as a ‘dangerous recreational activity’ for the purposes of section 5L of the Civil Liability Act 2005 (NSW) (CLA). This joins a plethora of recent cases tha...

Published by McCabes News
15 December, 2020

Will the Court grant leave to continue proceedings when an association enters voluntary administration before final orders?

The NSW Court of Appeal has recently dealt with the issue of whether leave should be granted to allow proceedings to continue to final orders in a situation where administrators were appointed after publication of the Court's reasons, but before fina...

Published by Foez Dewan
15 December, 2020

Applicability of Insolvency Practice Schedule and Insolvency Practice Rules to incorporated associations

In the judgment of In the matter of Order of AHEPA NSW Incorporated [2020] NSWSC 1626, the NSW Supreme Court has provided helpful guidance to administrators as to whether the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) (IPSC...

Published by Foez Dewan
14 December, 2020
Litigation and Dispute Resolution

From ploughshares to swords: misleading and deceptive conduct for warranties and spare parts

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has commenced proceedings before the Federal Court of Australia against AA Machinery Pty Ltd (trading as Agrison), alleging breaches of the Australian Consumer Law (ACL

Published by Chiara Rawlins
8 December, 2020

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