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Relaxed insolvency laws now in force to offset economic impact of COVID-19

On 24 March 2020, the Coronavirus Economic Response Package Omnibus Bill 2020 received Royal Assent, meaning that the changes proposed in that bill to "lessen the threat of insolvency" for individuals and businesses in the current c...

Published by Foez Dewan
25 March, 2020

Copious culpabilities: liabilities of dual employers and sole-employee companies

When does vicarious liability not lie with a worker’s employer? How is negligence assessed for sole-employee companies? Can there be dual vicarious liability? The Court of Appeal addresses these issues in a judgment that considers the assessmen...

Published by McCabes News
25 March, 2020

Federal Government’s fight against COVID-19 ramps up – the implications of the second stimulus package for distressed SMEs and small lenders

Today, the Federal Government has seen its second stimulus package, to combat the economic challenges Australia faces in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, enter into law. The stimulus package, valued at about $189 billion, and representative of a...

Published by Foez Dewan
24 March, 2020
Corporate Advisory

Current court practices in response to the coronavirus

In the current climate it can be difficult for clients and practitioners to know what the current status is in relation to all of the courts in Australia. Courts and tribunals at all levels have published guidelines in relation to what their response...

Published by Chiara Rawlins
24 March, 2020
Corporate Advisory

Navigating cybersecurity in a work from home environment

COVID-19 represents an unprecedented challenge to business. Most of corporate Australia is now operating remotely in line with 'work from home procedures' and a business continuity plan. However, with remote working comes inherent cybersecurity risks...

Published by Andrew Lacey
23 March, 2020
Corporate Advisory

Impact of COVID-19 on your contract: The Doctrine of Frustration

In our article Impact of COVID-19 on your contract: Force Majeure, we discussed one legal pathway that parties may seek to pursue due...

Published by Foez Dewan
23 March, 2020

Employers win the battle, but not the war

Is an occupier of premises liable to indemnify the employer for workers compensation payments as a tortfeasor who, if sued, by the Worker for negligence, would have been liable to pay damages to the Worker? The Court of Appeal answers this question i...

Published by Michael Poulos
23 March, 2020

Get out of gaol free – Australian Government announces temporary changes to insolvency laws in response to novel coronavirus outbreak

As part of its second stimulus package in response to the developing novel coronavirus pandemic announced on 22 March 2020, the Australian Government has extended a lifeline to individuals and businesses facing financial distress by way of temporary ...

Published by Chiara Rawlins
23 March, 2020

COVID-19: How will this affect your lease?

As the Australian Government takes measures to limit the spread of the coronavirus, it has this week imposed new restrictions pursuant to the Public Health (COVID-19 Mass Gatherings) Order 2020 under the Public Health Act 2010. The Order prohibits al...

Published by McCabes News
20 March, 2020

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