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Changes to the high income threshold and compensation limit for unfair dismissal claims

From 1 July 2017, the high income threshold will be $142,000 and the compensation cap for unfair dismissal claims will be $71,000. As we have previously reported, the National Minimum Wage will increase to $694.90 per week from 1 July 2017 (click

Published by McCabes News
3 July, 2017
Litigation and Dispute Resolution

First home owners property changes 2017

The NSW Government recently revealed a new housing affordability package in an effort to assist first home buyers entering the market. Central to the new policy are a number of changes to the first home buyer stamp duty concession and grant schemes. ...

Published by McCabes News
29 June, 2017

Dealing with a company’s corpse: The Sakr Saga continues as Liquidators struggle to get their fees approved

Whether you are a liquidator, director, employee, shareholder or creditor of a company in financial distress, the experience of a corporate insolvency is usually not pleasant. Directors face the threat of being investigated for breaches of direct...

Published by Andrew Lacey
28 June, 2017
Litigation and Dispute Resolution

What’s your damage? The calculation of damages for misleading and deceptive conduct

When a person believes they have been a victim of misleading and deceptive conduct such as misleading representations, the sensation of being deceived can give rise to the assumption that they have suffered compensable loss. However, the case of

Published by Chiara Rawlins
28 June, 2017

Are “walk away” offers valid offers of compromise which will have costs consequences?

Offers of compromise are an important tool in litigation. Aside from ensuring some form of success, or avoiding total defeat, one of the primary purposes of a party making an offer of compromise is to avoid incurring further legal costs. Where settle...

Published by Andrew Lacey
28 June, 2017
Litigation and Dispute Resolution

The “unambiguous impropriety” exception to without prejudice privilege

It is well established that what is commonly referred to as “without prejudice” privilege is not limited to protecting offers of settlement per se. Communications between parties that are genuinely aimed at resolving a dispute will also be protected,...

Published by Andrew Lacey
28 June, 2017
Litigation and Dispute Resolution

How “final and binding” is an expert determination?

Expert determination is becoming an increasingly common Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) process provided for in the terms of contracts between parties. In general terms it involves an independent third party, with recognised expertise in the sub...

Published by Andrew Lacey
27 June, 2017

Are you a start-up? Do you know what your duties as a director are?

Start-ups are on the rise, as is the number of young entrepreneurs taking on the role of company director. A company director, whether sitting on the board of an ASX-listed company or a small organisation, has to be clear on the duties and obligation...

Published by McCabes News
20 June, 2017

Insolvent trading trusts: the twilight zone

The recent decision of Markovic J in Robert Kite and Mark Hutchins in their capacity as liquidators of Mooney’s Contractors Pty Ltd (in liq) & Anor...

Published by Andrew Lacey
15 June, 2017

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